fetchPublicAddress: Promise<string | undefined>A method to fetch the public address (alternatively the address could be fetched from useDynamicContext’s user object)
getPublicClient(): Viem Public Client | undefinedThe provider should be used for read only actions on the block chain.Ethereum - A Viem Public Client SOLANA -solana/web3js.Connection
getWalletClient() : Promise<Viem Wallet Client| Solana Wallet>\Representation of the signer (the wallet) for actions that require signatures with the private key.Ethereum - Viem Wallet Client, Solana - The active wallet
name: stringThe wallet name
signMessage(messageToSign: string): Promise<string | undefined>A method to sign a message
supportedChains: Chain[]The chains that the wallet supports
getDeepLink(): stringA method to get a deep link to a wallet for mobile
getAccountAbstraction(): Smart Wallet ProviderA method to get the smart wallet provider for more advanced usage
supportsNetworkSwitching(): booleanWhether the connector supports network switching.
switchNetwork({ networkChainId, networkName }: { networkChainId?: number; networkName?: string; }): Promise<void>Switch to another network by provider either the network name or chain id specified in the list of EvmNetwork

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